
Lori L. Frazier


Carroll University

Waukesha, Wisconsin

B. S. 1974

Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green, Ohio

M.A. 1977


Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Florida Lic. MH0001336


Lori L. Frazier, LMHC

Lori is an innovative presenter who has developed and faciliatated a range of classes and presentations for children and adults in the First Coast community, including "Constructive Choices," an anger management group for children, and "HICCUP!," a class for co-parents in conflict. With the Creativity Project, Lori is committed to helping others enjoy the evidence-based benefits of creativity for stress management, reduction of depression, and increased well-being and happiness.

"After somewhere in the vicinity of 40 years in the counseling profession, I looked forward to retirement, and having all the time I could possibly want to make art, play my (neglected) musical instruments, and maybe even write a children's book. My husband and I wanted to travel, both domestically, as we had always done, and abroad. We were very fortunate to enjoy almost two weeks in Paris in 2019, his retirement gift to me.

"And then came COVID, and with it, the changes with which we are all much too familiar. We lost my dear 91 year old mom, and we grieved and missed her dearly, and still do. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for all the years during my childhood that she carted me to flute lessons she somehow figured out how to afford, and the much more recent years when she encouraged me to paint, marveling as if my efforts were headed for the Louvre instead of the walls of my home studio.

And now, with the renewed hope, spring, energy, and yes, creativity that seems to be sprouting up all around me, I am doing what I have always intended to do when I "grew up," which I figure ought to be any time now. With the Creativity Project, I invite creatives into this world of making and doing things in new ways, ways that satisfy us, and ways that make the created world around us a stronger, better place, whether we know it or not. "

The Creativity Project, based in Jacksonville, Florida, offers a six-session class, meeting weekly, in a safe environment, to explore and facilitate individual creative growth. Check back to find out class locations, prices, and start dates. If you are interested in taking or sponsoring this course at your venue, please contact me at:



And most of all, thank you for exploring this website and for your creativity!