The Creativity Project


If you have found your way to this site, you are seeking ways to express yourself creatively, heal your self-doubts, and increase your joy in the process. You may be a professional in your field - visual arts, music, poetry, or whatever gift may have chosen you.

You may be someone who has been afraid to live into your creativity because you were laughed at, or told you were tone-deaf, or encouraged to stay in a different field where you may have excelled or made a more secure living, and so you put the creative part of you behind you and slogged forward, never looking back at your very own muse and desire.

Or so you thought. But here you are. So let's move forward together, shall we?

The Benefits of Creativity

As a mental health counselor I spent decades working with adults and children, many of whom were seeking greater happiness, less anxiety, less depression, and a way to express themselves and the emotions that often disrupted their happiness. I noticed that those who had a creative practice, whether it involved drawing in their spiral notebooks in the solitude of their room, singing aloud as they walked on the beach with the wind and the waves for accompaniment, or countless other pursuits - baking cupcakes, writing poetry, taking photos, or telling jokes - had found a route to a measure of peace and joy even when all was not right in their world.

Research tells us that those who have a creative practice may experience less depression, less anxiety, a more positive outlook, and greater satisfaction than those who do not.